24 Dec 2015

National Nuisance List 2015

Related to the 'National Treasure' list, these people are awarded 'National Nuisance' status for having irritated us beyond what is reasonable.

1.       Brian Blessed
2.       Bernie Ecclestone
3.       Diane Abbott
4.       Lulu
5.       Gary Lineker
6.       Tarby (still)
7.       Tony Blair
8.       Lenny Henry
9.       Dec not Ant (or is it the other way round?)
10.    Claire Baldy
11.    Andy Murray's mum
12.    Mo Farrah
13.    Mary Berry
14.    Princess Charlotte
15.    Sue not Mel (or is it the other way round?)
16.    Evan Davis
17.    Sara Cox
18.    Grayson Perry
19.    Dawn French
20.    Michael Portillo

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