@thewritertype The best way to stop young kids from rioting is for their parents to join in and make it totally uncool. #londonriots
@MadamMiaow Police can't break into Blackberry BBM messages. Have they tried News International? #londonriots
@mslulurose The Youth of the Middle East rise up for basic freedoms.The Youth of London rise up for an HD-ready 42" Plasma TV #londonriots
@r_karim Great quote from Waterstone's employee on the news: "We'll stay open, if they steal some books they might learn something" #londonriots
@modernmod I keep wondering, what is Kate Middleton wearing during all this? #londonriots
@TheWaffer My son went to Clapham Junction for the #riotcleanup today. Can you please ask him to do his bedroom next
@thewritertype Clapham crowd gave Boris and Theresa May a broom. Boris pretended to sweep, then Theresa flew home on it. #Londonriots
@JeremyJHardy Some of these kids out nicking trainers look young enough to have made them.
@garyadweir the broom is mightier than the sword http://yfrog.com/kj5oewj #riotcleanup